(Click on the Plus next to each feature to reveal more information)
Hosting on our server for our responsive website builder, membership database, church member directory, association directory, email accounts, email newsletter, and event registration.
This is for our time to create and set up your account. You are responsible for building your new site (adding pages, photos and text) and/or migrating your old site's information, photos, etc. over to our system.
Podcasting with integrated media player, integrated page on mobile web app, latest messages plugin, statistics, and an Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) page.
Podcasting on your own website with sermon media player, statistics, and an Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) page, no additional setup fee.

The Reason for the Low Price
After being involved in bivocational church planting and various ministries in start-up phases for over two decades, Mark and Alisha understand both the communication needs and financial challenges of non-profit organizations.
Note: These prices reflect our discount for non-profit organizations, such as churches, ministries, missionaries, and 501(c)(3) non-profits (religious and non-religious).